It has been an incredible journey so far as we work together to equip Friedens Church for years of service through the Forward in Faith campaign. Now is the time for us to rally together as a church family and begin this campaign. We ask you to join us in being generous in your prayerful and financial participation in this campaign.
Let us be all in, not only for ourselves but for those not yet known to us!
Invest in Children & Youth Ministry
At Friedens, we understand that children and youth are not just the future of the church – they are the church right now. We give thanks for their presence with us and the special ways they lead us in embracing the kingdom of God. It is our intention through the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign to direct funds towards our children and youth ministry to lay a strong foundation of faith in young individuals. Investing in this ministry is essential for the future of Friedens. By nurturing the faith of the younger generation, we can encourage continuity and growth, passing on the teachings of Christianity to the next generation.
Enhance Community Outreach
Outreach ministries are important to Friedens. Whether it is Winter Carnival, our annual Pot Pie supper, or produce from the church garden, Friedens is committed to being a good neighbor here in Shartlesville. Our community outreach is vital for fostering a sense of connection, support, and service to those in need. These acts of kindness can foster a sense of hope and optimism. Engaging in outreach activities can strengthen the bonds within our church community and make better use of our building. It provides opportunities for Friedens members to collaborate, serve together, and grow spiritually as we work towards a common purpose.
Solidify Financial Stability
Friedens has been serving Shartlesville and the surrounding community since 1870. We continue to be a vibrant congregation, rooted in tradition, and we celebrate that God’s Spirit is with and among us. Financial sustainability ensures that Friedens can continue operations without interruptions or setbacks. A financially sustainable church is better positioned to fulfill its mission and carry out its outreach efforts effectively. As such, we can support community initiatives, provide assistance to those in need, and spread our message to a wider audience.
Strengthen Communication
Friedens is a vibrant congregation, rooted in faith. “Frieden” means peace in German. It is our hope to share the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, and to keep our community’s hearts and minds in Christ Jesus! Our community transcends those who attend each week and extends to all those in our community. Communication, both within our walls and out, is essential for promoting unity, sharing the message of faith, and creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Effective communication helps to spread important information about events, programs, and initiatives within the church.
What Can You Do?
Prayerfully consider your campaign commitment
Campaign contributions directly support the priorities outlined in the campaign brochure. Fulfillment of this commitment can be at any time over the next three years.
Complete a commitment form
These forms will allow church leadership to better understand the intent of each family and to properly allocate funding depending on the monies raised. Your pledge can be fulfilled over three years and can be given either as a one-time gift, or budgeted in annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly contributions.
Continue to pray for the Forward in Faith campaign
We ask for your prayers to ensure that God continues to guide us in all things as we work to better fulfill our mission.
The Forward in Faith campaign helps our congregation today, and all those families, youth, and community members who will come into our church home or benefit from our ministries in the future. Thank you for your support and prayers!